Artwork by Amy Thurling, Year 6, The Cottage School. Youth Speak Out 2021.
Youth Speak Out
Our annual education initiative celebrating the next generation’s views on reconciliation
Students from Year 5 – Year 12 can enter art, multimedia, speeches, letters, poems or whole class projects expressing their views about reconciliation. Each year the theme follows the National Reconciliation Week (NRW) theme. Selected students are invited to Parliament and Government House to meet and present their work to the Premier, Ministers and the Governor. Stand out entries will feature on our Annual Report and in other RT promotional materials, including on the website.
The deadline is the end of October with presentations on November 21 in Hobart.
Youth Speak Out (YSO) 2024
Keep up the momentum for change: the theme for National Reconciliation Week 2024 is Now More Than Ever. The theme is a reminder to everyone that no matter what, the fight for justice and the rights of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people will —and must —continue. Now more than ever we need reconciliation.
This year’s theme encourages all Australians to be a voice for reconciliation in tangible ways in our everyday lives – where we live, work and socialise. Young people across Trouwunna/lutruwita (Tasmania) can do this by entering Youth Speak Out.
Youth Speak Out: Travelling Exhibition
Last year, Reconciliation Tasmania and Libraries Tasmania partnered to showcase selected artworks and poetry from the last six years of Youth Speak Out in a special travelling exhibition.
Youth Speak Out: Travelling Exhibition was firstly up at the Allport Library and Museum of Fine Arts, State Library of Tasmania, nipaluna/Hobart from November 2023 until February this year. Around 18 pieces travelled north to feature at the Launceston Library, the exhibition running from April until June. From there the exhibition had a month at the Devonport Library from June until the end of July and is now featuring at the Burnie Library until October 4. Queenstown Library is the next location, dates TBC.
Reconciliation Tasmania would like to thank supporters the Hobart Airport, Libraries Tasmania and the MyState Foundation.

The Cottage School.

YSO 2023
2023’s theme was Be a Voice for Generations. For the work of generations past, and the benefit of future generations, act today for a more just, equitable and reconciled country for all. We are seeing more people speaking up, speaking the truth, asking the hard questions, seeing the hard facts, and informing themselves about issues affecting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
Our Youth Speak Out initiative was suggested by Margaret Reynolds, herself a former Federal Minister, to give students a voice or a space to express their thoughts and ideas around Reconciliation.
Students are invited to Hobart to present their pieces, meet the Premier and ministers and the Governor at Parliament and Government Houses, respectively.
This day takes place late in Term 3 when the Parliament is in session and students are able to view actions that make up our democratic process.
What will you do?
This year Reconciliation Tasmania will select an individual piece of artwork to feature on our annual report, website, and advertising materials.
Entries close October 16.
Presentation date: November 1. Lunch and afternoon tea provided.
Use the above Entry Form on this page to submit your entries or email to [email protected] or post 1 College Rd, Research House, UTAS, Sandy Bay, 7005.
Ensure your email details are correct as we will need to keep you up to date on collection/return of your artwork.
- Tips on how to take good quality images with your phone: poor quality images will be difficult to print and exhibit
- Keep an eye on this space for further ideas and resources.
Contact Us

Lino Print by Sossan Hamrah, Sacred Heart College New Town
Youth Speak Out 2020

Mixed media by Ariel Batemen, Year 6, The Cottage School. Youth Speak Out entrant 2022.

Phoenix Lorbach, Dominic College, 2019.

Bahzi Nicholas, Year 9, The Friends School, 2023

Scarlett Stone, Circular Head Christian School, 2019.

St Patrick’s College class collaboration ‘Open Letter’, 2020.

Emily Hansen, Year 12, The Friends School, 2022.