Did you know that 5 per cent of Tasmanians identify as Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander, and that, in some parts of the state, it’s as high as 17 per cent? That means at least 5 per cent of your customer base, your workforce, your suppliers, and your business’ other stakeholders could be Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander people.
Perhaps your business is already taking steps to show respect and build relationships with Aboriginal people, but you need some advice or would like to develop a more structured approach that aligns with your business strategy.
Or maybe you have questions about Acknowledgments of Country, the “Gap” that the government is trying to “Close”, why some people protest on 26 January, or what “reconciliation” actually means.
In this webinar, hosted by Reconciliation Tasmania and supported by the Tasmanian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Alison Merridew, Reconciliation Commitments Manager will provide an overview of:

- What reconciliation means,
- Why reconciliation is relevant to your business,
- How your business can benefit from, and contribute to, reconciliation, and
- How Reconciliation Tasmania can support you to develop and implement reconciliation commitments that align with your business activities and priorities, and to connect with other like-minded people and organisations across the state.
The webinar will include time for questions and answers.
Registration is free but booking is essential! Book here.