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International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination

21 March 2025
11:00 am – 1:45 pm

Gather at Macq01 at 11am to walk to Parliament Lawns

Parliament Lawns from 11.45am – 1.45pm

Southern Tasmanian Councils are jointly hosting a series of events to mark the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination on Friday 21st March, and to launch a new anti-racism campaign.

The Walk

The Walk will be led by First Nations Palawa and include CEO’s and Lord Mayors from Hobart, Glenorchy, Clarence, Sorell, Kingborough, and Brighton, and students from High Schools and Colleges.


  • Gather 11am at Macq01
  • 11.15am – 11.40am Walk to Parliament Laws
  • 11.45am – 12pm Launch of We Stand Together Against Racism campaign

Join the Walk to launch a new ‘Anti-racism campaign’ called We Stand Together, Against Racism, which has been proposed by Brighton Council to highlight an increase in reports of racist behaviours in our community and an aligned increase in fear within migrant communities.

The Campaign message:

“asks all Tasmanians to stand together against racism, reiterates our joint commitment that racist behaviour will not be tolerated and is detrimental to our desire for an inclusive, healthy and vibrant lutruwita, Tasmania, and gives real suggestions on how to stand together against racism.”

The Campaign aims to unite Councils and community and to demonstrate a powerful, aligned approach around our shared commitment to unity, diversity and inclusion.

Register here.

The Film

‘Our Journey’ is a short film written, shot and edited by 16 young people from multicultural backgrounds with the support and direction of Lara van Raay and Students Against Racism.

‘In this film we share our stories of leaving our homelands, travelling to Australia and the ups and downs of settling in Hobart. We want to be honest. We want to connect with you. We want to have a real conversation about our lives. We want you to understand who we are and where we have come from. We want you to know these things about us.’

The film will premiere on 21 March 2025 at 12pm on Parliament Lawn.

Register here.

The Talk

Together for Harmony, Conversations to inspire change is hosted by the City of Hobart.

When: Friday 21 March 2025 from 12pm – 1.45pm

Where: Parliament Lawns


  • Premier screening of the film Our Journey
  • Followed by community and expert panelists speaking about ‘Anti-Racism and Anti-Discrimination’

The ‘Conservation Panel’ will explore themes of racism and discrimination with people passionate about nurturing and promoting equality and living in a society free from racism.

Tasmanian Panellists include:

  • Chair of the Board from Jack Jumpers
  • Professor from the Tasmanian Institute of Law Enforcement Studies
  • A young palawa man
  • A young Dad from Sudan
  • A member of the Office of the Anti-Discrimination Commissioner
  • CEO Sherlock and Dutta Consulting
  • Afghani Student from ‘Students Against Racism’

Register here.