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Call for Expressions of Interest – Aboriginal Artists

Artwork created by Palawa Wiradjuri artist Luana Towney based on Cape Barren Island, Trouwunna/lutruwita (Tasmania).

4 June 2024

Commissioning of artworks for Reconciliation Action Plans

Reconciliation Tasmania is building a contact list so that we can notify First Nations artists living in Tasmania about commissioning opportunities from our Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) clients.

We are calling for expressions of interest from:

  • Tasmanian Aboriginal artists; and
  • Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander artists who are living in Tasmania.

What is a Reconciliation Action Plan?

Reconciliation Australia established the national Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) framework in 2006 and continues to administer the framework, with over 2,700 organisations across Australia having completed a RAP.

Developing a RAP is a structured process to enable the organisation to develop a strategic approach to:

  • embed respect for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, cultures and rights within the organisation;
  • develop relationships with local Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander communities and organisations; and
  • co-create opportunities for local Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people and communities.

The RAP process includes a requirement for the organisation to commission an artwork by an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander artist to tell the story of the organisation’s reconciliation journey.

Reconciliation Tasmania provides Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) services to local councils, businesses, government agencies, and not-for-profit organisations across Tasmania. Our RAP clients regularly ask us to help them contact First Nations artists to commission RAP artworks.

How much will artists be paid?

Artists negotiate the commission, including the type of artwork, how it will be used, and the fees directly with the organisation that is commissioning the artwork.

Do I have to pay Reconciliation Tasmania?

There is no cost to join our mailing list and we do not take any part of your fees.

The mailing list is a free service to help First Nations artists to access opportunities to be paid by Reconciliation Tasmania’s clients to do artworks for their RAPs.

Who can I talk to if I have questions?

If you have questions, you can contact:

  • Alison Merridew, Reconciliation Action Plans Manager (Alison is non-Indigenous)
  • Clair Andersen, Co-Chair (Clair is a Yanyuwa and Gungallida woman from the Gulf Country of northern Australia)

How can I join the mailing list?

To join the mailing list, please fill out this form: https://forms.office.com/r/uH8ESxxnvr Or scan the QR code:

 Contact:Alison MerridewClair Andersen
 Reconciliation Action Plans ManagerCo-Chair, Reconciliation Tasmania
 [email protected][email protected]
 Ph: 0425 163 440